Learn More About A Fit Farmer’s Black Seed Oil

At A Fit Farmer, we are passionate about providing high-quality black seed oil and black seed oil products to support your wellness journey. However, we want to ensure that you have accurate information regarding the use of our products. The content on our website and in our communications is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not doctors, researchers, or medical professionals. Your health and safety are our top priority. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

About Black Seed & Black Seed Oil

There is so much we could tell you about black seed oil, but we will keep it brief! The first use of black seed oil dates back to over 2000 years ago. Black seed oil has been providing its users with many benefits since then, including treating high blood pressure and diabetes. The appearance of black seed oil is best described as yellow in color, with the texture similar to that of vegetable oil.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

For the past thousands of years, many users of black seed oil have attested to the benefits it provides them.

Skin Benefits: Relieves eczema, reduces acne, reduces psoriasis plaques, softens skin

Health Benefits: Weight loss, improves gut health, improves heart health, lowers blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, and reduces anxiety.

How Much To Use Daily

The recommended daily dosage of black seed oil typically varies from person to person. The most common range is 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons a day. A good rule of thumb is to start small, which would be 1 teaspoon a day. From there, you can work your way up to higher dosages the more comfortable you become with the supplement. 

FAQs About A Fit Farmer’s Black Seed Oil?

How soon will I notice a difference?

The effect of black seed oil varies from person to person. Some people will notice results right away but for others it may be a few weeks. Many factors contribute to the speed of results, such as your levels of inflammation and diet.  We DO encourage a healthy lifestyle to all, including movement, hydration, and healthy, fresh foods.

Where do we acquire our black seed oil?

We do not buy processed oil!  Instead, we purchase high quality seed and cold press them right here in West Texas. We are proud to be one of the very few companies in the United States to press oil locally.  Check out ImportYeti to see for yourself who is doing it fresh, and who is not.  

What are the different ways I can take black seed oil?

Black seed oil is versatile in regards to how you can take it.  Some people mix it with tart juice, lemon or apple cider vinegar, and some just shoot it straight.  We have some customers who make a months worth of capsules (kits are available online and are easy to use), and some who prefer the ground seed as a garnish on foods. Black seed is an incredibly versatile supplement, so we encourage users to find what works best for them!

What is the recommended black seed oil dosage?

Most people take one tablespoon – that is what our doctor recommends. However, even one teaspoon daily has been shown to lower blood pressure, so we suggest you begin with one teaspoon daily for the first week, two teaspoons daily the following week, and thereafter a tablespoon.

What are the detoxing symptoms when using black seed oil?

Because the oil gets rid of yeast overgrowth and other toxins, too much too fast can cause flu-like symptoms – aches, diarrhea, etc. Drinking plenty of fluids can help flush out toxins. Should these symptoms occur, reduce the amount to ½ teaspoon or stop and start over after a few days with a smaller amount.

What is the difference between regular and gold black seed oil?

Black gold has been infused with organic turmeric. Because of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties, this oil packs a punch to get rid of many health issues that stem from inflammation.

Do you have a storefront?

A Fit Farmer does not have a storefront. We are an online and wholesale business only.

Do you offer wholesale?

We do offer wholesale! To learn more about our wholesale options and to become a wholesaler, please click here.